[COMMAND] ElevatorEverything you need to know about the elevator controls.

The [elevator] command


Opens the 'Elevator' window

Lyoko warriors are represented by yellow dots in the window
Moving the elevator

Multiples commands are available to move the elevator between the floors of the computer complex.


The elevator allows to move quickly between the 4 main rooms of the factory.

Floors served by the elevator

The cathedral is the central body of the factory. Indeed, any character wishing to go out or access one of the other 3 rooms of the computer complex must go through this place.

  • Room name: cathedral
  • Floor: 0

Corresponding to the first basement of the factory, the laboratory contains the interface of the Supercomputer to control the quantum computer, as well as the Holomap. Since you play Jeremy, the operator at the controls of the interface, the lab will match your free game position. Finally, this room has a total of 3 accesses, one via the elevator, one from the factory boiler room and finally one from the scanner room.

  • Room name: laboratory or lab
  • Floor: -1
The Scanners Room

Located in the 2nd basement of the factory, the scanners room contains the 3 scanners for transferring people from the real world to the virtual world. It has 2 accesses: one from the laboratory (via a ladder), and one via the elevator.

  • Room name: scanners
  • Floor: -2
The Supercomputer Room

Located in the 3rd and last basement of the factory, the room containing the Supercomputer is a true science fiction complex that allows the quantum machine to operate at full power using a liquid nitrogen cooling system. It is also from this room that you can access the quantum circuits of the machine, whose state is visible with the [scstatus] command.

  • Room name: supercomputer
  • Floor: -3
  • Indicate the name of the room:

    A sound feedback will be played every time the elevator passes a floor
  • Indicate the desired floor number:

    The floor number where the elevator is located will be indicated at the bottom right of the window
Door management

The elevator doors can be controlled if the elevator is stopped at a floor and it is not locked.

  • Opens the elevator doors.

    The animation of the door opening adapts to the floor where the elevator is located
  • Closes the elevator doors.

    The animation of opening and closing the doors runs at the same time on the window as in the real world
Blocking the elevator
  • Locks the elevator if it is stopped at a floor and the doors are closed.

    In addition to the elevator, all doors on each floor will also be blocked
  • Unlocks the elevator.

    A sound feedback will tell you that the elevator has been blocked or unlocked
Elevator hacked

The elevator can be hacked by XANA in order to send a creature to attack Jeremy. The elevator can't be controlled if it's hacked and a 'Elevator Hacked' label will be shown on the screen if it is locked.

The creature of XANA will be represented by a yellow dot on the window
Pressure on the doors

If the elevator doors are closed and a creature tries to reach Jeremy in the laboratory, the scanners room or the Supercomputer room, he will first need to force open the locks of the elevator doors.


The doors can project you only once per attack.

A red cross is shown on the cage when it is inaccessible