Guide of New Player

The ultimate guide for new IFSCL players!

Welcome to you young Lyoko Warrior! If you're here, it's because you've probably just discovered IFSCL, a fan game based on the animation series Code Lyoko, developed for more than 9 years by one person, Immudelki (from his real name Alexis Foletto).

The purpose of this guide is to quickly introduce you to all the essential informations about the game and its community in general. Because IFSCL is not just a video game, it is also a whole community of more than 20,000 players who actively follow and support the development of the game. Of course this game is mainly aimed at the old fans of the cartoon, however independent video game enthusiasts will also appreciate the professional work of Immudelki from his fan game.

In any case, we strongly invite you to try the Simulated Fictional Interfaces of Code Lyoko (IFSCL).

Game Objectives

Main Objective

Currently, no matter what type of game you play, the game's only objective is to survive the various earth attacks made by XANA. To do this, you will have to disable the towers controlled by the computer virus on Lyoko and then perform a Return to the Past (RTTP) to clear any traces of the attack on Earth (see the article: 'Deactivate a Tower' to learn more about this procedure).

Secondary Objectives

Progress on IFSCL

First steps

The best way to learn how to play on IFSCL is to start a 'Custom Game' from the 'Free Mode' by disabling all XANA's initiatives in the game settings. To do this, configure your game as shown below.

  • Startup
    This first section allows you to define the status of the characters or whether or not some programs or virtual objects are present at the start of your game. The default settings are suitable for the new player, except for the 'XANA Awakening' setting, which we recommend you to change to a minimum of 30 minutes (level 2).

  • General
    This section allows you to manage the various events not directly related to XANA that can take place throughout your game. For your first game we strongly recommend that you disable the 'DNA Fusion' and 'DNA Mix Bugs' options.

  • XANA Lyoko
    This section allows you to manage the behavior of XANA on Lyoko. You can choose the frequency of use of the monsters as well as the probability of attacking a certain objective such as the core of Lyoko or the Skidbladnir. We recommend that you disable all options available in this section to get started. You will be able to reactivate them as you progress through the game to increase the difficulty of your games.

  • XANA Earth
    This last section allows you to define the probability that XANA activates a tower during attack phases via the parameter 'Earth Attacks' as well as the probability that a certain type of attack (human, animal, power plant overload…) happens. To get started, we recommend that you simply disable the 'Earth Attacks' setting.

Once in game, gather your Lyoko Warriors at the factory and try to make a virtualization to transfer the characters to Lyoko. These two procedures will be essential for each of your games, indeed all XANA attacks must be countered directly on Lyoko, which implies that you must be able to transfer a Lyoko Warrior very quickly to the virtual world. Also familiarize yourself with the most important windows of the interface such as the 'Virtual Map' that will allow you to follow in real-time what is happening on Lyoko or the 'Superscan' which allows you to analyze the towers of a virtual world, main elements of IFSCL gameplay. Also, try to get used to use the character's control system on their 'Communication Card'.

Do not hesitate to use this configuration of this 'Pacific' game in order to test and understand the operation of the various windows and commands of the interface.

XANA's attack

Feel ready to go to practice? Fine, but go slowly! Just like in the series, XANA will adapt to your own strategy in order to stop you from completing your objective. Earth attacks, attacks on the core of Lyoko or attacks on the Skidbladnir, there are plenty of possibilities… So, to learn how to counter each of the possible attacks by the computer virus, do not hesitate to play in a 'Custom Game' in order to manage in 'XANA Lyoko' the various attacks that can be made by XANA.

Don't hesitate to gradually add some elements that complicate your task, such as the 'DNA Fusion' and 'DNA Mix Bugs' available in the 'General', as well as the use of certain special monsters such as the guardian, polymorphic clones, or Scyphozoa manageable from the settings in 'XANA Lyoko'.

To go further

Practice is the key to success! And this is all true with IFSCL, which will not only improve your speed typing skill, but also your memory for all the commands and subcommands that can be used from the terminal that you need to remember in order to be always more effective in your fight against XANA. Recreate scenarios from the show or even create your own ones by mixing several elements of each season… This is the strength of IFSCL's sandbox mode, doing what you want whenever you want! For players that is looking for more challenges, a 'Hard' mode is also available in the game options (accessible from the main menu or directly in-game).

Community's Guide

Composed of members from all nationalities, the IFSCL's community shares in common the nostalgia for Code Lyoko, as well as the admiration for the work that Immudelki has done for more than 10 years to offer fans the best possible fan game. Thus, although the creator of the game takes his motivation mainly from personal convictions, the community formed around his project has also become an additional motivation over time to continue and bring IFSCL to a successful conclusion.

Today, the IFSCL's community expands mainly in the 3 social networks: Discord, Facebook, and YouTube. More widely the game also has a Reddit page as well as a topic on the forum. Finally, if you want to financially support Immudelki, in the various expenses it makes for the game (storage server, software license, purchase of plugins ect…), he has a Patreon.

  • Discord
    You will find on Discord the most active part of the French and international IFSCL's community. Being the main social network used by Immudelki, it is also on Discord that you will find absolutely all the latest IFSCL news. Although relatively calm during the development period, the various textual salons are still very active as they approach a new version! Join the official IFSCL discord (Immu's Code Lyoko Fangames).

  • Facebook
    IFSCL has a Facebook page where the latest information on the development status of the game is regularly relayed. A Facebook group also allows different members of the community, to share their gaming experiences, theories or even suggestions about the game. Follow IFSCL on Facebook (IFSCL - Code Lyoko Game) and join the group dedicated to the game.

  • Youtube
    The creator of the game has a personal Youtube channel, which he publishes all the game's trailers as well as Lives Makings Of. The IFSCL community also has Youtubers who regularly post content to the game. The vast majority of the videos you will find on the platform are gameplay videos and discoveries of the different versions of the IFSCL. More recently, videos explorations and theories devoted to Immu's Room and the Story Mode are appearing little by little.