[COMMAND] HyperscanEverything you need to know about Hyperscan.

[The [hyperscan]] command (#hyperscan)

###### {: #hyperscan_init}
Initialization Opens the 'Hyperscan' window.

hyperscan```! [An audio jingle will be played when the window is initialized] (/Articles/71/v40x/HyperScan.001.png) 

 ###### {: #hyperscan_select} Selecting a region of the world Select a region to analyze. 
 When the command is initialized, they are all selected. 

:: note 
 The regions that can be scanned by Hyperscan are: `Europe`, `Asia`, `Oceania`, `North America`, `South America`, `Space`, `Antarctic`, and `Africa`. 
You can also select all regions using the `hyperscan.all` command. 



Sound feedback and animation will confirm the selection of a region

###### {: #hyperscan_reset}
Reset Deselect a targeted region, cancel a scan in progress, and delete the coordinates of the last [Replika] (74 #virtualWorld_replika) found by the Hyperscan.


 [The program will then scan all regions of the world if you search again] (/articles/71/v40x/HyperScan.003.png) 

 ###### {: #hyperscan_exe} Running the analysis Start analyzing the selected region (s). 

:: danger 
 If you close the window, the current analysis will be reset. It will be the same if you perform a [** [RTTP] **] (49) or a [** [reboot] **] (82) during a scan. 

:: note 
 Once the analysis is complete, you can transfer the coordinates of the [Replika] (74 #virtualWorld_replika) found in the [&#39;Digital Sea Map&#39;] (70) via the `smap.hyperscan` command. 

If you close the window after the Hyperscan detects a Replika, its coordinates will be saved in memory. You can then simply reopen the window to retrieve them. 


```! The analysis time of a region depends on the number of Supercomputers to be analyzed