[WINDOW] Digital Sea SensorsAll you need to know about the 'Digital Sea Sensor' window.

The 'Digital Sea Sensor' window

###### {: #digitalSeaSensor_open}
Open The 'Digital Sea Sensor' window opens automatically when the [digital Skid key] (76 #skidbladnir_digitalKey) connects to the [lock of a virtual world] (74 #virtualWorld_entry).

! By default the window displays the entire virtual world

###### {: #digitalSeaSensor_unlock} Unlocking The window is used as a relay to maintain the connection with the [entrance lock
to a virtual world] (74 #virtualWorld_entry). So you can use the command Cryptosmasher: crypto.plika, in order to unlock the entrance door to a virtual world.

! By default the window shows the entire virtual world

###### {: #digitalSeaSensor_close} Close The window is automatically closed once the connection with the [virtual world entrance lock] (74 #virtualWorld_entry) is
cut off.