[COMMAND] ScannersLearn all about the scanners management program.

The [scanners] command

Description of the 'Scanners' window

The scanners management program is an internal Supercomputer program that allows to control and verify the status of the 3 boxes used to virtualize/rematerialize a person on/from the virtual world.

Free scanner

A so-called 'Free' scanner is an activated scanner that does not have anyone scanned in memory. The rectangle representing the box is colored in blue.

Loaded scanner

A so-called 'Loaded' scanner is an activated scanner that has a person in memory scanned via the [scan] command or dematerialized via the [devirt] command. The rectangle representing the box is filled with green bars.

Disabled scanner

A disabled scanner is an unusable scanner for a virtualization or a devirtualization. The box displayed in red in the 'Scanners' window.

Sub-commands related to the [scanners] command


Opens the 'Scanners' window.

The status of the scanners is updated in real time in the window
Selecting a scanner

Select a scanner (1, 2 or 3) with the management program.


All 3 scanners can be selected at the same time with the scanners.all command.

The selected scanner will blink slightly when selected
Activating a scanner

Activates the selected scanner(s).


Keeping a scanner active will cost you 1,000 units of energy.

You can hear activated scanners open from the lab
Deactivating a scanner

Deactivates the selected scanner(s).


  • If a lyoko warrior is devirtualized and no scanner is free to rematerialize him, he will be sent in the frontier.
  • If a loaded scanner is deactivated, the character inside will be stuck in the box.

A sound feedback confirms that the scanner has been deactivated