The [skid] command
Description of the 'Skid Control' window
A true control tower for all actions and information related to the Skidbladnir, this window is the main source of information on the overall status of the submarine and is used to control it in the sea or in the skies of a virtual world.

The 10 Skidbladnir modules each have their own panel displaying various information depending on the module they are associated with. Clicking at the top and bottom of each list switches between the different modules.
When a panel is activated, it is placed in the center of its list. The name of a module is shown at the bottom right of the window when you hover over them with your mouse.
Main axis [AXS]
An animation will be played on the submarine's main axis management panel each time it changes position.Stabilizers [STB]
The module managing the stabilizer is used to stabilize the Skidbladnir when it aligns with a hub, a tower, a data tunnel or the airlock of a virtual world.Propulsors [PRP]
The propulsors panel shows the rotation speed, between 0 and 1,500 rps.Shields [SHS]
The shield module protects the Skidbladnir's hull from any damage in the Digital sea.Torpedoes [TRP]
The torpedoes management panel shows the number of torpedoes remaining in the Skidbladnir.Retrobrakes [RTB]
The retrobrakes panel shows the assigned power dedicated to the submarine's right and left brakes.Clamps [CLP]
The clamps panel indicates which navskids are attached to the hull of the virtual submarine.Sonar [SNR]
The sonar panel shows the direction taken by the Skidbladnir when it's in the Digital sea. The additive cap is indicated at the bottom of this panel.Digital Key [DGK]
A deciphering animation is played on the digital key panel when it is connected to the airlock of a virtual world.Turbohelix [TBX]
The turbohelix panel indicates the rotation speed of the latter in the Digital sea. This rotation speed can be between 0 and 1,200 rps.
Skidbladnir control
Skidbladnir control
The Skidbladnir is a vehicle capable of moving both in the sky of a virtual world and in the Digital sea. Thus, submarine controls will adapt to the environment where it is located. Click on the central part of the 'Skid Control' window to display the submarine controls. Any movement or action taken by Skidbladnir is shown to you in the central tab at the bottom of the window.
Virtual world sky
When it moves through the skies of a virtual world, you can control the virtual submarine with travel options that are offered to you depending on where you are.
Dock (Garage)
Attach Skidbladnir to his garage and activate his tie-down shield. Also start recharging the submarine's virtual energy
Undock (Garage)
Undock the Skidbladnir in his garage and deactivate his tie
Exit garage
Get Skidbladnir out of his
Enter garage
gets Skidbladnir into his
Sector [Mountain | Desert | Forest | Ice]
(text here)<Sector>
Place Skidbladnir above his garage in Sector 5.Take tunnel
Bring the Skidbladnir into the tunnel with which it is lined
Available only on a surface area of Lyoko, places the Skidbladnir in front of the access to the 5th
Place the Skidbladnir above the selected<TowerNumber>
Align Skidbladnir with the tower above which it is
Place the Skidbladnir above the tower with which it is
Dock (Tower)
Bring the Skidbladnir to the tower with which it is lined
Undock (Tower)
Shuts off the connection between Skidbladnir and the tower with which it is currently
Place the Skidbladnir above the Digital
Make Skidbladnir dive into the Digital
Digital Sea
As his favorite element, you can freely control Skidbladnir when it is in the Digital Sea. However, navigation options will still be required necessary for the most complex maneuvers such as lining up with a hub or entering a virtual world.
Additive cap
The slider of the 'Additive cap'; option allows you to add a certain degree of rotation to the submarine according to a value between 5 and -5. You can consult the value of the additive cap from the sonar panel.Helix speed
The slider in the 'Propeller Speed' option allows you to control the rotation speed of the turbopropeller of the submarine. You can check the speed of the Skidbladnir from the turbopropeller panel.skid.hspeed.<Vitesse>
Ring display
Enabled by default, allows you to show or not the compass around the submarine in the 'Virtual Map'.Align
Align the Skidbladnir with the nearest hub or virtual world entrance
Put Skidbladnir back in its navigation
Take hub
Teleport the Skidbladnir using the hub according to the virtual route configured using the [smap]
Enter world
Bring the Skidbladnir into the virtual world with which it is
Other informations
You will find at the top of the window 5 vignettes showing you the occupants of the 4 navskids (parallelogram on the left) as well as the character in the cockpit of Skidbladnir (hexagon on the right).
When the controls of the Skidbladnir are hidden, you can click on the cockpit of the 3D model to launch a location of the submarine in the 'Virtual Map'.
Status of Skidbladnir
Virtual Energy
Skidbladnir has a virtual energy reserve that serves as fuel to move, but also as shield to protect himself from enemy attacks. You can check the submarine's energy level using the blue bar located at the bottom left of the 'Skid Control' window.
The virtual energy of the Skidbladnir is naturally exhausted due to the pressure of the Digital Sea, but also by the energy consumed via the turbopropeller in order to move the submarine. Thus, the faster the Skidbladnir moves, the greater its energy consumption.Regeneration
The Skidbladnir is automatically recharged with virtual energy when it is attached to a tower or when it is stowed in its garage.
Health Points
Like any destructible virtual object, Skidbladnir has a health bar located under the virtual energy bar in the 'Skid Control' window. This bar represents the physical state of the submarine hull. If it were to be entirely consumed, the virtual submarine would be destroyed.
The life bar of the Skidbladnir runs out when it receives direct damage not protected by its protective shields.Regeneration
The shell of the Skidbladnir can only be repaired from the GarageSkid.
3D Model Color
The color of the Skidbladnir's main shell adapts to its status. The position of the main axis as well as that of the wings will adapt to the current position of the submarine.
Stow in the GarageSkid
When stowed in the GaragesKid, the main shell of the Skidbladnir is in the color blue.Attach to a tower
When attached to a tower, the main hull of the Skidbladnir is purple color.Disdock
When not stowed, the main shell of the Skidbladnir is , the color orange.Transfer
When transferring via a hub or a tunnel in the 5th Sector, the Skidbladnir will become entirely white.
The sub-commands linked to the [skid] command
You can open the 'Skid Control' window either:
By clicking on the 3D model Skidbladnir in the 'Virtual Map'.
A check of the primary modules is carried out when the submarine control program is initialized By entering the command:
The 'Skid - Docking Shield' window will also open if the Skidbladnir is stowed in its garage
Cape Management
Define the course taken by the Skidbladnir in the Digital Sea according to 76 degree of rotation between 0° and 360°.

Speed of the Skidbladnir
Defines the rotation speed of the turbopropeller (between 0 and 1,200) and therefore, by extension, the **speed of movement of the [Skidbladnir] Defines the speed of rotation of the Turbopropeller *(between 0 and 1,200)* and therefore, by extension, the **speed of movement of the [Skidbladnir] Defines the speed of rotation of the Turbopropeller *(between 0 and 1,200)* and therefore, by extension, the speed of movement of the Skidbladnir** in the Digital Sea.

Checking the modules
Verifies if the primary modules are damaged and if the add-on modules are buggy.

Repairing the primary modules
Start repairing the damaged primary modules.

Dematerialize the Skidbladnir.

The 'Navskid' windows
You can open the 'Navskids' windows:
By clicking on the parallelograms located at the top left of the 'Skid Control' window.
Each navskid has its own energy level, torpedoes, and life points By locating the lyoko warrior in the navskid.