[COMMAND] CloneEverything you need to know about the clone command.

The [clone] command

Description of the 'Virtual Cloning' window

The window to manage clones is filled with various information about the clone generated by the program. Tracked target, sector and virtual world where it is located, current state of the clone… Knowing all this information will allow you to use clones properly and thus protect your lyoko warriors from guardians and the Scyphozoa.

Clone status
3D model

The 3D model of the cloned lyoko warrior is displayed in the upper part of the 'Virtual Cloning' window. This model directly represents the clone generated in the virtual world, so if the model performs a running animation it means that the clone is moving. Similarly, if the model is static, it indicates that the clone is not moving.

Directional pad

Click on the directional pad between the 2 3D models to stop the clone if it moves or to perform a sector analysis to find a target to follow. When performing a sector analysis, the automatic AI system behaves as follows:

  • If the Scyphozoa or the guardian is detected, the clone will automatically move to the nearest monster found.
  • If neither of the two monsters is present in the sector, the lyoko warrior who acts as a model for the clone will be targeted as the destination.
DNA strands

The DNA strands that are on the right of the window can have two colors, depending on whether the clone is moving or not.

  • Blue
    When the DNA strands have a bluish color, it means that the clone has no target to follow.
  • Green
    When the DNA strands have a greenish color it means that the clone has a target to follow.
Location bar


Click on the location bar to locate the clone generated by the program in the 'Virtual Map'.


The first section of the location bar shows you the (x ; y) coordinates of the clone relative to the sector in which it is located. These coordinates are accurate to the tenth of a thousandth, so you don't see the entirety of them written in the section (most of the time we see only the x coordinate).


Indicates the target currently being tracked by the clone. This may be either the Scyphozoa, the guardian or the lyoko warrior that served as a model for the creation of the clone.

Global location

Indicates on which virtual world and on which type of sector the clone is located.

Subcommands related to the [clone] command


Open the 'Virtual Cloning' window

When it's initialized, the window display in its location bar how to create a clone
Selection of the lyoko warrior to clone

Select the lyoko warrior that will be cloned by the program.

The name of the selected lyoko warrior is indicated in the location bar
Selecting the cloning location

The location where the clone will be generated can be set in multiple ways.


A clone cannot be created in Sector 5.

  • The (x ; y) coordinate of a surface sector.

    The target location for creating the clone is indicated in the location bar of the window
  • Position of a tower.


    The tower analysed by the Superscan can be selected with the clone.to.tsuperscan command.

    A sound feedback confirms the selection of a place
  • Position of a lyoko warrior.


    Franz Hopper can be targeted with the clone.to.franz command.

    An anomaly window will warn you if an entity cannot be targeted as a cloning destination
  • Position of an overvehicle.

    Although the window tells you the opposite, you can set the cloning location before the lyoko warrior to clone
Search for a target

Analyze the sector to determine which target the clone will follow. The selection system will automatically behave as follows:

  • If a guardian or the Scyphozoa is detected in the sector, the nearest monster will be set as the target to follow for the clone.
  • Otherwise, it is the lyoko warrior that served as the model of the clone that will be targeted by the clone.

An animation in the 'Virtual Map' will be played with the analysis of a sector

Deselect the target followed by a clone and stops its movement.

The DNA strands to the right of the window are blue when a clone has no targets to follow

Create a clone according to the configured parameters.

The Supercomputer load window will open when a clone is created

Dematerialize the clone generated by the clone program and close the 'Virtual Cloning' window.


Closing the 'Virtual Cloning' destroys the clone generated by the program.
