The 'Com. Card' window
Description of the communication cards
The 'Com. Card' window collects all the information concerning the state of the lyoko warrior with which it is associated. Health points, action points, stamina, special status, actions… This window is essential to manage your characters.

Surface sector & Replika
Allows you to select a tower as a destination for a lyoko warrior.
Sector 5
Allows you to select a room of Sector 5 as a destination for a lyoko warrior. Due to the special layout of Sector 5, some rooms are only accessible from others.
Link between the rooms of the sector 5
Accessible from any room in the dome area.
Tower room
Accessible from the Arena, bridge and Skid garage.
Skid garage
Accessible from the Arena, bridge and tower room.
Accessible on foot from the Arena, tower room and Skid garage. It is also accessible by an overvehicle from the South pole, the digital void or data tunnels.
Digital void
Accessible by overvehicles from the bridge, the South pole and data tunnels.
Data tunnel
Accessible by overvehicle from the bridge, the South pole or the digital void.
South pole
Accessible by overvehicle from the bridge, tunnels and digital vacuum; as well as the core via the 'Get out (Core)'
option on the 'Actions'
of the 'Com. Card'.
Core room (upper & down)
Accessible by overvehicle from the South pole via the 'Get in (Core)'
option on the 'Actions'
of the 'Com. Card'.
Lyoko warriors
Allows you to target a lyoko warrior present in the sector or Franz Hopper as a destination.
Allows you to target a monster present in the sector as a destination.
Allows you to target an overvehicle present in the sector as a destination.
Enter the tower
Ask the lyoko warriors to enter the nearest tower.
Get on/off overvehicle
Ask lyoko warriors to get on or off the selected overvehicles.
Send a visual
This option is available for Aelita only. It allows her to send a visual of what she sees.
The Self-Clone option is only available to Aelita on a surface sector. The 'Self-Clone' allows the lyoko warrior to create a clone of herself that will appear directly on her position.
The Anti-Guardian is also an option that only Aelita can use when she is in a sector where a guardian is holding a lyoko warrior. This action will allow, as the name suggests, to release a lyoko warrior from a guardian by creating a clone of it.
Reload A.P.
Available only for Odd, this action initializes the weapon reloading program to reload the character's action points.
Get in/out core
Allow lyoko warriors to enter or exit from the core room. The entry-exit is located at the South pole of Sector 5. In addition, your lyoko warriors must be on an overvehicle to access it.
This is only available in the core room. It allows the lyoko warriors to teleport directly to the Arena of the Sector 5.
Use interface
The interface is at your disposal from the bridge of Sector 5. This action requires the lyoko warriors to connect to the Lyoko virtual envelope interface. Once connected, several actions are available to the lyoko warriors.
Programs of the Sector 5's interface
Retrieve data
Allows you to retrieve data to save a lyoko warrior stuck in the frontier.
Recompile overv.
Resets the cooldown of overvehicles.
Retrieve Mater Codes
Retrieves the materialization codes of Sector 5, allowing you to virtualize/devirtualize your lyoko warriors directly from this sector.
First floor
Get out tower
Ask a lyoko warrior to get out of the tower.Go up tower
Ask a lyoko warrior to go to the second floor of the tower.Exchange DNA
Places the lyoko warrior in DNA exchange status. If two lyoko warriors are in DNA exchange status, in the same tower, they will exchange their DNA which will reset their percentage of DNA fusion, mixing or confusion. If the exchange gets to 100%, the DNA status of each participant will be inverted.Analyze DNA
Analyzes the DNA of a lyoko warrior in the 'Link' window.Repair DNA
This option is available if you have analyzed the DNA of the lyoko warrior and if the lyoko warrior has a DNA problem. It starts the DNA correction program in the tower.Repair Earth Code
Available only for Aelita if her Earth Code is corrupted. Start the Earth Code correction program.Change sector
You can change sector through the way towers. Then asks the lyoko warriors to change sector.
Second floor
Go down tower
Asks the lyoko warriors to descend to the first floor of the tower.Retrieve data
Allows you to recover data in order to save a lyoko warrior stuck in the frontier. Aelita is the quickest lyoko warrior to retrieve data from an interface.Code Lyoko
Only Aelita can perform this action. This allows you to enter the Code: Lyoko on the tower interface, which will deactivate the tower under the influence of X.A.N.A.Decrypt diary
As in the previous example, Aelita is also the only person who can perform this action. It launches the program to decrypt Franz Hopper's diary.
- Destroy sector
Launches the destruction of the sector on which the tower is located. This action is always performed by Aelita.
Simple attack
Simple Attack is the default attack of a lyoko warrior. If you don't choose any action until the end of its battle turn, it does moderate damage to a single enemy randomly and does not consume action point.
Powerful attack
The powerful attack is the most devastating attack a character can do on a single target. It will however cost you a variable number of A.P., depending on the difficulty of the game.
Area attack
As the name suggests, an area attack deals moderate damage to all your enemies. Its A.P. cost will depend on the number of enemies hit by the attack.
Special attack
Unlocked after 1 turn of combat, this attack produces a special effect according to the lyoko warrior. Its cost in action points will depend on the difficulty of the game.
The special attacks of lyoko warriors?
Makes Aelita insensitive to damage during this turn. If the lyoko warrior does not have the Code Earth Needed status, also gives her back 10 health points.Odd
If Odd is targeted by an opposing physical attack, it blocks damage and returns half of the damage to the attacker.Ulrich
Paralyzes the most powerful enemy for the next 3 rounds.Yumi
Restores 2 A.P. to all other lyoko warriors present in the fight.William
Deals light damage and removes 2 A.P. to all enemies.
Unlocked after 2 turns of combat, the Ultimate Combo is an ability that requires 2 lyoko warriors, each with the action points required (depending on the difficulty of the game) to launch an attack capable of destroying all enemies of a single type at once.
What types of enemies do the different lyoko warrior COMBOS destroy?
Aelita - OddBlok
Odd - YumiKrab
Ulrich - OddHornet
Aelita - YumiMegatank
Yumi - WilliamTarentula
Ulrich - WilliamCreeper
Odd - WilliamManta
Aelita - UlrichClone Polymorphic
Aelita - WilliamXanafied lyoko warrior
Ulrich - Yumi
Unlocked after 2 turns of combat, the Sacrifice protects another lyoko warrior from attacks during the next 2 turns, at the price of all the remaining health points of the sacrificed lyoko warrior.
Lyoko warrior's card
An available lyoko warrior is one who can move freely anywhere on a virtual world or in the Digital sea using the Skidbladnir. He can perform any actions and stay on Lyoko as long as he has health points. The borders of his card then display a yellowish color.
An unavailable lyoko warrior is a lyoko warrior unable to interact, move or even fight on a virtual world. You will not be able to devirtualize an unavailable lyoko warrior.
An unconscious lyoko warrior sees his card covered with a reddish filter with the word 'Unconscious' written at the top of the card. In addition, the time remaining before the lyoko warrior regains its consciousness is indicated to you in the card's interaction zone.Paralyzed
The state of paralysis occurs when a lyoko warrior is captured by the Scyphozoa or the guardian.
A xanafied lyoko warrior is a character controlled by X.A.N.A., therefore, it makes him your enemy just like monsters. You won't be able to control the actions and movements of this character, or even devirtualize it using the [devirt] command.
Temporary xanafication
The temporary xanafication occurs after a lyoko warrior has been implanted with a virus by the Scyphozoa. His character card then displays red borders and the words 'Temporarily controlled by XANA' are displayed in his interaction area.Definitive xanafication
A lyoko warrior who is xanafied temporarily will become definitively xanafied if it is caught in a Return to the Past, falls into the Digital sea or if the core of Lyoko is destroyed. The borders of his character card will then display a purple color and the words 'Controlled by XANA' will be written in his interaction zone.
Lyoko Guide
Health points (H.P.)
Located under the avatar of the lyoko warrior, a character's life bar is composed of 10 green dots representing the total of 100 health points a lyoko warrior can have. Thus, each point represents slices of 10 health points. If a lyoko warrior loses all his health, he will be automatically devirtualized.
A character loses health points when it is attacked by monsters or xanafied lyoko warriors in combat. He can also lose them all at once by sacrificing himself in battle. Finally, a lyoko warrior being captured by the guardian will end up at 50 H.P. maximum.Regeneration
Depending on the difficulty of the game, only towers can regenerate the lyoko warriors' health points. So, if the game is in easy, normal or hard mode, a tower regenerated 100, 50 or 0% of H.P. of the character depending on the difficulty.
Action Points (A.P.)
Located below the life bar, the action points bar is composed of 8 yellow squares representing 8 action points of a character.
Only usable in combat, action points allow the lyoko warrior to perform certain special attacks.Regeneration
Only Odd will be able to regain his action points, reloaded via the executable weapon materialization program with the'Reload AP'
option available on the'Actions'
of his 'Com. Card'.
Stamina Bar
Located below the action point bar, the stamina bar of a lyoko warrior is made up of 100 points in total.
It is consumed automatically when the character moves on foot, in order to activate the temporary speed boost movement.Regeneration
The stamina bar gradually recharges when the character stops moving.
Remateralization Status
No status
If a lyoko warrior has no words at the top left of his 'Com. Card', this means that it can be rematerialized directly into a scanner via the devirtualization program.
Deadly Devirt.
If the 'Deadly Devirt' status is written at the top left of the lyoko warrior's 'Com Card', this means that it will be sent to the frontier in case of devirtualization.
Code Earth Needed
Unique to Aelita, the 'Code Earth Needed' status indicates that the lyoko warrior must be rematerialized from the second floor of a tower using the materialization program.
Subcommands related to the 'Com. Card' window
You can open the 'Com. Card' of a lyoko warrior either:
By clicking on the point representing a lyoko warrior in the 'Virtual Map'.
The audio bar will activate when you ask a lyoko warrior to perform an action By entering the command:
An audio feedback will be played when a 'Com. Card' opens