[COMMAND] ClockEverything you need to know about the clock.

The [clock] command

Description of the 'Clock' window

The 'Clock' window has 2 display modes, a reduced display showing only the time and the alarm, and an extended display that also shows you different countdown times such as recompilations of certain programs or the revirtualization times for the lyoko warriors.

Upper part
Switch button

The arrow in the upper left corner shows/hides the lower part of the clock.

Date & time

The clock obviously fulfills its primary role of indicating the date and time of the real world. When a game is launched, the time and date are set relative to the one of your computer.

  • Date
    The date indicated by the clock is in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This is displayed at the top of the window next to the ▲ button used to change the display mode.

  • Time
    The time is given to the nearest second by two different clocks. A digital one located below the date and an analog one that is located to the right of the window.


    If there's no alerts, click on the analog clock to start the time skipping feature. Alerts are displayed at the bottom of the overlay displayed when you right-click.


If an alarm is configured, it is shown below the digital clock of the window.

Lower part

The most powerful Supercomputer programs requires a certain amount of time to recompile before they can be used again.

  • Overvehicules
    The Overboard, the Overbike and the Overwing each have their own recompilation countdown times.

    • Use
      When materialized, the recompilation timer of an overvehicle turns red and displays [--:--].
    • Recompilation
      The recompilation of an overvehicle begins as soon as it has been dematerialized from the virtual world.
  • Other programs
    Three other programs have recompilation times.

    • Return to the Past
      The Return to the Past program takes 6H00 of recompilation time.
    • Reboot
      The Supercomputer reboot program requires 48H00 of recompilation time (the window will show you 24H00 twice).
    • Multiscan
      The Multiscan, which allows you to activate 4 towers at the same time, requires 12H00 of recompilation time.
Attack of XANA

The middle section of the lower part of the 'Clock' window tells you whether XANA can attack or not. An attack from the computer virus can consist of several actions, such as activating a tower and attacking the core of Lyoko. (This parameter is configurable via the 'Simultaneous Attacks' option in the free game settings)


Although XANA is limited in his attacks, he is absolutely not limited in his responses..

  • Countdown
    When a countdown is displayed, it means that XANA cannot undertake an attack against you until the end of the countdown.

    This statement indicates that XANA can attack on Earth by activating a tower, attacking the core of Lyoko or the Skidbladnir.

    This statement indicates that XANA is currently doing an attack. Once an attack is countered, XANA won't attack for at least 13H00.

Lyoko warriors

Being an extremely violent and dangerous procedure, lyoko warriors must recover some time before they can be virtualized again into a virtual world. The color of the countdown will also adjust depending on the status of the character.

  • Blue
    A blue countdown indicates that the lyoko warrior can be revirtualized with all its health points and action points (12H00 recovery).

  • Orange
    An orange countdown indicates that the lyoko warrior can be revirtualized, but only with 10 health points and 1 action point (at least 6H00 recovery).

  • Red
    A red countdown indicates that the lyoko warrior is either virtualized or cannot be revirtualized (less than 6H00 recovery).

  • Purple
    Purple countdowns are used for permanently xanafied lyoko warriors. Unlike non-xanafied lyoko warriors, they only have 6H00 of recovery time before they can return to battle.

  • Gray
    When a lyoko warrior is permanently lost for the rest of your game, the word 'Lost' will appear instead of the countdown.

Subcommands related to the clock


Opens the clock.


The 'Clock' window opens automatically when the interface is initialized.

When you start a game, the date and time are set to the one of your computer
Mode change

Click on the ▲ arrow in the upper left corner of the window, shows and hides the lower part of the clock.

A sound feedback will be played every time a movement occurs.
Scheduling an alarm

Set an alarm, which will block the time skipping at the specified time.


If only the hour is specified with the clock.<Hour> command, the alarm will be set exactly on the hour.

The configured alarm is displayed under the digital clock
Unprogramming an alarm

Removes the scheduled alarm.
