[COMMAND] ScanEverything you need to know about the scanning program.

The [scan] command

Description of the 'scan' tab

The 'scan' tab is a tab specific to each lyoko warrior that shows their health status. This tab changes shape if the character is sent to the frontier. New vital information about the status of the character will then be displayed.

DNA Status
DNA Status

The state of the lyoko warrior's DNA is indicated by a color code, shown in the DNA strand located in the lower square to the right of the window. If the character is in a tower, click on this square to start an analysis of his DNA.

The virtual material displayed in square above the DNA strand takes the same color code

Every human being in the frontier is considered to be a junk file for the Supercomputer. The character will be erased from the memory of the Supercomputer until it will disappear forever. Thus, when a lyoko warrior is sent to the frontier, its tab will display new vital information about the character's health.

  • Deletion percentage
    The Supercomputer's removal rate of the character is represented by the 3D model of the lyoko warrior which gradually erases from the window.

  • Status
    As long as the lyoko warrior is being erased by the Supercomputer, his model will be displayed on a red circle . On the other hand, it will be displayed on a green circle once all the data needed to rescue it is retrieved.

  • Recovered data
    The number of data recovered from the interface of Sector 5 or in a waytower or replika tower to save the character is displayed at the bottom of the window. This number is also represented graphically with the orange progress bar just above it. A character is saved from the frontier once 9,999 pieces of data is retrieved.

  • Stocked memory cache
    When a character falls in the frontier, it gets stuck in a cache file stored in the memory of the Supercomputer managing the virtual world. Thus, the virtual world name from which the character went into the interworlds is indicated in the lower left corner of the window. It is only from the towers of this world that the data needed for the rescue the character can be retrieved on.


    If one of the characters goes to the frontier from the Digital sea, it's Lyoko's Supercomputer that will retrieve its memory cache file.

Subcommands related to the [scan] command


Opens the 'scan' tab located at the far left of the 'Link' window.


The 'scan' tab of a lyoko warrior can be opened with the link.<LyokoWarriorName> command.

If a lyoko warrior is transferred but not scanned, it will appear as a model in wireframe
Scan of a lyoko warrior

Scans a lyoko warrior who has been previously transferred.

Different animations will be played in the window during the scan of a character