The [cmap] command
Description of the 'City Map' window
Equivalent to the 'Virtual Map' for the real world, the 'City Map' allows you to know the location and availability of the lyoko warriors by locating their phones. Informations about the power plant attack will also be shown in this window.

Camera Controls
Hold left click to rotate the camera on the X, Y and Z axes.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out on the 'City Map'.
Hold left click and the Ctrl key to move the camera along the X and Y axes.
Hold down the Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to move the camera up or down.
Attach the camera
Once the lyoko warriors are located, click on their mini-card to attach the camera on the character.
Earth places
The Hermitage
Discovered at the beginning of season 2 by the lyoko warriors, the Hermitage seems to be at first an old abandoned building in the middle of the woods. However, through exploration and research, the group will soon discover that this place is closely linked to Lyoko, Aelita, and the Supercomputer. Indeed, its former owner, Franz Hopper, is Aelita's father as well as the creator of the virtual world and XANA. The Hermitage will become a lair for the lyoko warriors as they discuss their plans of action against the computer virus.

Ishiyama's house
Being the only external student in the group, the house where Yumi and her family live is displayed on the 'City Map'. Because of its proximity, we will regularly see this house appear in the series. Unfortunately for the lyoko warrior, seeing her family live so close to the Supercomputer will expose her to many dangers and her protection will add additional pressure to the japanese woman's shoulders.

Located not far from Kadic academy, the forest was used many times as an outdoor setting for lyoko warriors' school excursions. It is also in the forest that the characters will sometimes go to cool down or isolate themselves from the group in case of tension. XANA understood this well, and despite its calm and peaceful appearance, this place will often be the scene of the computer virus's attacks.

Kadic academy
Composed of many buildings and a huge park, Kadic academy is the main living place for the lyoko warriors. It contains places like a football field, gymnasium, concert or theater room, courtyard, classrooms, canteen, library, dormitory… Kadic is a true school city that includes a college and a high school at the same time, although we usually only talk about the college part of Kadic. Because of its importance to the lyoko warriors, Kadic will be the privileged place for XANA attacks during the first 2 seasons.

The factory
Core of the war between lyoko warriors and XANA, the abandoned factory of Boulogne-Billancourt gathers, in 3 rooms, the entire computer complex created by Franz Hopper. These 3 rooms (the laboratory, the scanner room and the Supercomputer room) are all connected by a elevator, although secondary accesses are available to access the first 2. Even though they're completely abandoned, the other rooms of the factory will still be shown many times in the series.

The power plant
Objective of the attack of XANA in episode 2: “Seeing is believing”, the attack of the power plant is one of the most dangerous that the computer virus has developed. Its objective was to overload an electric tower in order to blow up the power station and thus blowing up the entire area around it. Although the lyoko warriors managed to stop the attack, the power station remained, after that, a place supervised by Jeremy to avoid another catastrophe.

The petrochemical complex
Visible only in episode 4: “Log book”, the petrochemical complex was the destination of the deadly bus controlled by XANA in this episode. It was close to the crash itself when Aelita deactivated the tower of the computer virus, saving Ulrich from a certain death.

Geolocation elements
The mobile icons represent the location of the lyoko warriors based on the location of their phone. Click an icon to attach the camera to it. In addition, the color of an icon informs you about the character's availability.
- Blue
A blue mobile icon indicates that the lyoko warrior is free of movement and can move anywhere in the real world. - Orange
An orange mobile icon indicates that the lyoko warrior is held by someone and therefore cannot move freely. To release him, you will have to call them using the phone and use the voice modulator.
The portraits at the bottom of the window tell you which lyoko warriors are available in the game. Click on a portrait to locate the character using his mobile phone in the 'City Map'. Finally, the color of the portrait informs you about the availability of the character.
- Blue
A blue portrait indicates that the lyoko warrior is free and can therefore travel anywhere in the real world. - Orange
An orange portrait indicates that the lyoko warrior is held by someone and therefore cannot move freely. - Green
A green portrait indicates that the lyoko warrior is in the virtual world. - Gray
A gray portrait indicates that the lyoko warrior is permanently lost for the rest of your game.
Earth attacks
Power plant attack
Being a high-risk area in the event of an attack by XANA, the power plant is closely monitored by Jeremy via the city map. Click on the power plant model in the 'City Map' to open the 'Electricity Network' window.
- Normal status
If no abnormal activity is detected by the program, the plant model will be displayed in green like all the other locations on the map. - Alert status
When XANA decides to attack the power plant, it will be displayed in red in the 'City Map' with a symbol.
Subcommands related to the [cmap] command
Opens the 'City Map' window.

Global map
Displays the 2D map of the city of Boulogne-Billancourt.

Locating a place
Locates a building or location registered in the Supercomputer's memory.The locations registered in the Supercomputer's memory
- The Hermitage:
- Yumi's house:
- The forest:
- Kadic academy:
- The factory:
- The power plant:
- The petrochemical complex:

Mobile geolocation
Locates the lyoko warriors by geolocating their mobile phones.

Location of lyoko warriors
Once the characters' phones are geolocated, a lyoko warrior can be located on the map with multiple ways.
By entering the command:
The camera will automatically be attached to the localized character By clicking on the portrait of a character.
The portrait of the selected character will be slightly highlighted
The 'Electricity Network' window
The 'Electricity Network' window shows you the surge rate of electrical towers in the city. It will be your only way to follow the progression of XANA's attack if it attacks the power plant. This window opens when locating the power plant on the map.
Click on the model of the power plant on the map.
When XANA does not attack the surge rate is zero volt With the command:
Power pylon can withstand up to 1,000,000 volts before yielding and detonating the power plant